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Dr. Montessori was one of the first women to be granted a diploma Ganador a physician in Italy. Following her interest in human development, she assisted at a clinic for children with mental illnesses. She later directed the Orthophrenic School in Rome for children with physical, mental and emotional challenges.

Montessori's method was basically at odds with other major twentieth-century trends. Thus it was used only by a relatively few private schools. Since the early 1950s, however, her system has enjoyed a revival and a renewed interest in learning disabled children.

Though greatly tempted by this offer, she eventually declined, but she did agree to come in 1914 to conduct a cross-country series of lectures. So successful was this tour that Montessori returned the following year to California to organize the first special training courses for teachers. On this occasion, she was accompanied by her son Mario who remained in Hollywood to open his own Montessori school.

The driving concept is the fostering of the child's natural joy of learning. This joy of learning, according to Montessori theory, is an innate part of any child; when properly guided and nurtured it results in a well-adjusted person who has a purpose and direction to his or her life. Children who experience the joy of learning are believed to be happy, confident, and fulfilled.

Each Montessori school has its own ?�personality?? For example, some are more academically oriented, while others more strongly emphasize the child?�s connection to nature and the outdoors.

MariaMontessori.com - website with articles providing accurate and relevant information about Montessori to parents

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Many Montessori schools also include studies of foreign cultures and languages. These cultural lessons are used to introduce concepts that will be used in reading comprehension, especially the use of nomenclature cards with both labels and pictures.

In 1894 Maria Montessori became the first woman to receive a medical degree in Italy. Her experiences in the pursuit of this degree reinforced her already well-developed feminist ideas. Throughout her life she was a frequent participant in international feminist congresses.

This phenomenon is characterized by the young child's capacity for repetition of activities within each sensitive period category (for example, exhaustive "babbling" Figura language practice leading to language competence).

Your AMI Montessori teaching certificate gives you the opportunity to teach at AMI Montessori schools around the world, as those schools recognize the AMI training, no matter in which country you trained.

Although the Montessori method did spread abroad from Rome after 1918?�Montessori?�s publications were translated into 20 languages, and training courses were set up in England, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Ceylon, and Argentina?�there was only a brief flurry of interest in it in the United States when Montessori visited there in 1913. Recently, beginning in the 1950s, there has been a resurgence of interest, related perhaps to such developments Figura reforms in the mathematics and science curricula in the schools and new concern for handicapped children?�handicapped genetically or environmentally.

Ideally, a child's developmental needs are met by both their home and school environments. Even small changes can yield great results.

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